Customs services and engineering

With our 50 years of experience, we accompany you from start to finish for a successful customs procedure.

"Successful international transport wis not possible without rigorous
management of your customs formalities"

For the shipment of your goods beyond Community borders, our customs agents provide the expertise that you need in order to look after your customs formalities.‍

Our strenghs for your guarantee of a flawless service

Expertise and a customs service integrated within the company for more than 50 years

In recognition of our professionalism by the customs administration, Technotrans was the first freight forwarder to be designated as an Approved Economic Operator by theGeneral Directorate of Customs and Indirect Duties (DGDDI) on the Marseille-Fosmarketplace.

You have direct contact with the employees of our customs department to answer your questions and accompany you in your initiatives

We scrupulously comply with all laws and regulations governing the import and export of your goods and guarantee the customs compliance of your documents

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Bespoke support

To choose the most suitable customs procedure for your flows of goods and your needs

To determine the correct tariff classification of your goods according to the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) / Harmonised System Nomenclature (HSN), since this is asignificant challenge due to the very nature of the classification process and varying interpretations by customs and companies

To obtain binding tariff information (BTI) in order to secure your internationaloperations, if necessary

To implement the procedures for issuing authorisations for special arrangements toimport into the EU non-Community goods under customs duties and VAT suspensionnamely:‍
- Storage (customs warehouse)‍
- Specific use (temporary admission and end-use)‍
- Processing (inward and outward processing)

To accompany you in the process of obtaining an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number, a mandatory requirement for import andexport formalities in the EU

To define an essential element of the customs declaration, namely the origin of the goods:‍

- Non-preferential origin, used on import into the EU in order to determine theapplication of trade policy measures (tariff quotas, anti-dumping duties, etc.), or tomark the origin of products‍

- Preferential origin and proofs of preferential origin, for the application of a reducedor zero rate of customs duties. Compliance with the preferential origin rules is acondition for the reduction or exemption of customs duties pursuant to the EU's preferential relations

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